The way the Indian press has covered the mid-term elections in the US, you'd think Bush was President of India. The headline shown here is just one of many that blanketed the various newspapers across India following our elections.
The average Indian businessman/student is much more aware of our poltics than many of our own countrymen. They may not understand it well, but they're paying attention. And for some reason they all think the Democrats are more friendly towards India Inc. than the Republicans. I don't think they understand the protectionist wing of the Democratic Party.
Do any of you remember seeing much press on the last Indian elections? I doubt it. Our newspapers seem to only pay scant attention to world politics - even to an emerging ally and stable democracy. That's why I subscribe to the Economist. At least they give in depth coverage to real news. And if you aren't paying attention, the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh.
And since you all know my political leanings, I do want to point out something that seems to be missing from the international coverage: The Dem's didn't blowout anyone. Yes, the House is theirs and they did surprise me and take the Senate. Was it because they offered a vision for anything? No. Was it because many of us were fed up with Iraq and the general sleaze of Washington? Yes. Are there many of my kind of Republicans left? Sadly, no.
And I won't bore you with the sixth year averages for a sitting president, but even with his low approval ratings, Bush still, some how, managed to suffer a little less than his predecessors.
And aren't you glad we got about a 5 minute break before the press started talking about whether the D's could keep their majority in 2008? Or who would prevail in the presidential bloodbath?
Good god, go on a freaking vacation Wolf Blitzer!
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