I've had great fun writing about my India trip, so I've decided to just turn this blog into my travel blog. I will provide updates from the road as I travel the globe (and the US). So we'll just call this blog "Travel Rant" and see where it goes.
I left India on 9/11 and flew home via Frankfurt. After getting felt up by security, I made it to the United Red Carpet Club, where I was promptly told I couldn't use the showers. Apparently during my six week trip, they'd changed the rules. Now only passengers coming from the US were allowed to use them. I explained to them I'd just flown in from the other direction on a code share flight, but they said "sorry." I told them to stick it (I really did) and said that Lufthansa let their passengers use the showers.
So the rep comes in about 10 minutes later and says "Mr. Fox, if you'd like to go back and use Lufthansa's lounge, you can." I glared at her and said "Go away. I'm not walking 1/2 mile and subjecting myself to security again for that." She scurried away and they avoided me the rest of the time. You wonder why United is in trouble? Let's see, I paid for a code share flight that apparently got me no benefits. Next time I'll just fly Lufthansa the whole way and avoid United.
I am now off to Italy for two weeks of wine and food. See you in Sicily!
1 comment:
Foxy, just checkin in...making sure you behaving. I can't wait to hear about italy. Ahh the motherland, have some extra vino for me!
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